Breakfast Briefing

Free Breakfast Briefings

We’re rebooting our free breakfast briefing programme and inviting all charities and NGOs to our next series of themed events.

The first event will take place at 9.30am - 10.30am on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th September and is entitled ‘how to engage and work with influencers in the non-profit space’.

As the number one communications agency in the UK working with purpose clients such as NGOs, charities, we care about creating the best non-profit campaigns. That's why we recommend utilising the power of influencers to create unforgettable content and drive the best awareness. But, while this can be a hugely powerful campaigning tool, the use of influencers has also raised questions of ethics and authenticity.

So, we are offering an online breakfast briefing on.

In this briefing, led by 89up's influencer team, we'll cover:

  • The power of influencers in non-profit campaigning
  • Understanding the current landscape influencers are navigating, from pay-gaps to authenticity-gaps
  • Diversifying your influencer roster to reflect a multicultural world
  • Structuring, nurturing and growing relationships

If you wish to attend either of these sessions, please email Abigail Lewis at [email protected] to sign up.