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The client

Toyota Mobility Foundation:  The $9 million global Challenge to help cities move more safely, inclusively, and sustainably.

Key stats


Total pieces of coverage


Estimated overall reach

Huffpost España, El Diario, Automotive World, Press Trust India, Smart Cities World, The Pioneer, Investor Indonesia

Coverage highlights

The challenge

Cities are constantly evolving and adapting to an ever-changing world. As cities grow and develop, the need for innovative, responsive, and resilient mobility solutions has never been more essential and the opportunities have never been greater.

The $9 million Sustainable Cities Challenge brings together cities and innovators from around the world to enable safe, inclusive and sustainable mobility solutions fit for the future. 

There are two stages to the Challenge: 

  • First, a call to city officials to enter on behalf of their city, identifying the specific mobility challenges they face.

  • Second, a call to innovators to come forward with solutions to these challenges. 

Toyota Mobility Foundation engaged 89up as its global communications partner for the whole of the four-year Challenge. 

The solution

Let's talk ->

89up built the Challenge website where people could find out more about the Challenge and how to enter. 

Our studio team created social cards and a launch video explaining the need for the Challenge and the opportunities it presents cities. This was supported by a paid social campaign, driving people to the site. 

Working with international partners, 89up coordinated a global press launch targeting media consumed by city officials. We also provided media training for key spokespeople. 

The impact

Let's talk ->

We secured over 475 pieces of coverage in countries including the US, UK, Italy, India, France, Germany, Thailand, Singapore, Mexico and Indonesia.

Over 150 cities from 46 countries around the world entered the first stage of the Challenge. A total of 10 cities were shortlisted, with three eventually chosen to host their own City Challenges. The chosen cities were Detroit, US; Venice, Italy; and Varanasi, India. 

89up launched a call for innovators for each of the three City Challenges and will continue to manage all communications until the winners are announced in 2025.