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Calling on people to make the switch to secure encryption

Strong end-to-end encryption makes the internet safer for everyone, yet it is at threat from governments across the world. 

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The client

Internet Society:  & 89up launched the first ever Global Encryption Day

Key stats


Total pieces of coverage


Estimated overall reach

CNBC, Techcrunch, The Times, The Next Web, Terra, Wired, TechCanal, Independent Online (ZA)

Coverage highlights

The challenge

Strong encryption makes life safer for everyone. It allows law enforcement to tackle organized crime, helps journalists expose corruption and hold the powerful to account. It protects the safety of you and your family.

The Internet Society (ISOC), as part of the Global Encryption Coalition came to 89up for support as they launched Global Encryption Day to encourage people to make the switch to secure end-to-end encryption. 

The solution

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89up wrote, designed and built Who’s Listening? Exposing Global Multicorp, an interactive game which educated players about the importance of encryption through compelling story-telling. 

We worked with a group of leading international journalists to place an open letter in the Times, explaining how weakening encryption could put journalists and their sources at risk and could deter people from speaking out against corruption and abuses of power. The letter was signed by journalists including former Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger and investigative journalist James Ball. 

We also organised an online panel discussion with human rights and free speech activists including NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, Matt Mitchell from CryptoHarlem, Afsaneh Rigot from Article 19, and Lisa Dittmer from Reporters Without Borders to talk about the real-life impact that encryption has in protecting the public. 

To support ISOC’s network of chapters in their grassroots advocacy efforts, we created a series of video tutorials and toolkits with social assets hosted on the Global Encryption Day website we built for the Coalition.