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The client

Energy Foundation:  works to secure a clean and equitable energy future to tackle the climate crisis.

Key stats


Organisations integrated


Grantees tools used to collect data


States covered by the data

The challenge

Energy Foundation grantees are located across the United States working with different tools to launch campaigns, disseminate resources and father insights around the US Inflation Reduction Act and other clean energy initiatives. 

Energy Foundation needed to bring together all of their grantees’ campaign findings in a digital dashboard to analyse results, share learnings, and foster collaborative action towards a shared objective: the transition to a clean energy future. 

The results and learnings shared through the data dashboard would inform the grantees’ future campaigns around the IRA and other clean energy initiatives.

The solution

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After a comprehensive grantee integration process onto a data pipeline tool, 89up developed a robust data dashboard through data visualisations that combined dynamic ad data feeds from multiple data sources.

To dig even deeper, 89up conducted analysis of over 7,000 ads worth more than $4.4 million which were manually tagged to represent key variables like message type, tone, call-to-action, and audience targeting. This allowed us to identify some of the characteristics associated with the highest click-through rates in grantee ads.

The impact

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This large-scale data dashboard synthesised the results of over 700,000 ads from over 20 organisations in the Energy Foundation grantee ecosystem. It displayed real-time results across all campaigns, including cost per click and click through rates, as well as time-series charts that showed campaign results over time across the USA.

Through monthly newsletters and reports hosted on a grantee website, 89up provided ongoing analysis and expert counsel to the grantee network on improving their campaigns, focusing on identifying best practice, key benchmarks to strive towards, and fostering learnings.